We can inspect and certify your bike as Roadworthy.


If you have converted your off-road motorcycle for on-road use, you can bring it in to have inspect and certify your motorcycle as “road-worthy” for on-road licensing with the Washington Department of Licensing.

Motorcycles (all vehicles, for that matter) are determined to be road-worthy depending on a long list of items — from the construction of the gas tank, to the brakes, mirrors and emission standards. If your motorcycle is not road-worthy, it will be noted on the vehicle’s Certificate of Origin. Some manufacturers are still out of compliance with this requirement, and this is where we can help you.

As a licensed Washington motorcycle dealer and an authorized agent for the State of Washington, we can inspect, certify and and help you fulfill the Federal and State requirements.

We can convert your bike to an on-road motorcycle with D.O.T. tires, lights, turn signals, mirrors, and more. 

Whether we convert your bike — or you have already — bring it by and we can inspect it and sign off on the the official form. Then, you can go to department of licensing and get your on-road license plates. 


Requirements to license your off-road bike for on-road use:

There are just four steps to get ready:

Please note: Once your bike is licensed for use on the roads, you’ll still need an off-road-vehicle (ORV) decal. The law requires modified off-road motorcycles to meet both ORV requirements and requirements for on-road use.